Romans Chapter Sixteen

This chapter is really a litany of fond greetings to many of the faithful Christians in Rome, some of whom we come across in the Book of Acts and in Paul’s other letters. He does not get into much in the way of instruction and directives except in one place where he warns about people who cause division. ‘ 17 Now I say this seriously, watch those that cause divisions and bring trouble and oppose the words and the ways of God that you have learned for right living. Stay out of their way. 18 Because people like that are not serving Jesus Christ, but serving their own agendas, and with all kinds of smooth talk they manipulate and deceive the hearts of well meaning people.’

He also gives them a fine piece of advice in keeping their minds on what is good and helpful and not on disreputable matters. ‘19 For you are well known everywhere as a church for your obedience to God’s Word and I am glad about that. And I want you to have all the wisdom you need about what is good, but don’t involve yourselves in things that can cause you harm.’

He then bids them farewell and assures them that God is going to crush Satan under their feet, and he prays that they will be established in faith through the message of Jesus.

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1 I would like to commend to you a woman called Phebe who serves faithfully in the church at Cenchrea.

2 I ask you to honour her in The Lord as good Christians and to help her in whatever tasks and responsibilities she might need you for, because she has been a staunch supporter of many, including myself.

3 Say hello to Priscilla and Aquilla who have put their lives on the line for me. I am thankful to them, as are all the churches of the former unbelievers.

5 And give greetings to the all the people in the church that gathers in their house, including my dear friend Epaenetus, who was the first one to believe in Achaia.

6 And fond greetings also to Mary, who was of enormous help to us,

7 And greetings also to Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and fellow prisoners, who are well known amongst the apostles and who came to Christ before I did.

8 And greetings to Amplias, whom I love in The Lord

9 And Urbane, a great helper and my friend Stachys

10 And Apelles, a much appreciated brother, and greetings to those of the household of Aristobulus.

11 Greetings to Herodian, my countryman, and those of the household of Narcissus, all Christians.

12 Also Tryphena and Tryphosa who work hard for The Lord. And my friend Persis who also works hard for The Lord.

13 Greetings too, to Rufus a special person in God, and his mother, who was like a mother to me.

14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobus, and the brothers with them.

15 Greetings to Philogus, and Julia and Nereus and his sister and Olympas and all the Christians that are with them.

16 Greet one another warmly. The Churches of Christ embrace you warmly also.

17 Now I say this seriously, watch those that cause divisions and bring trouble and oppose the words and the ways of God that you have learned for right living. Stay out of their way.

18 Because people like that are not serving Jesus Christ, but serving their own agendas, and with all kinds of smooth talk they manipulate and deceive the hearts of well meaning people.

19 For you are well known everywhere as a church for your obedience to God’s Word and I am glad about that. And I want you to have all the wisdom you need about what is good, but don’t involve yourselves in things that can do you harm.

20 Our God of peace is going to stamp on Satan and crush him under your feet very soon. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

21 My colleague in ministry Timothotheus, and Lucius and Jason and Sopiter my countrymen, send their greetings to you.

22 Tertius, who wrote this letter for me sends greetings too.

23 Gaius who is my host and the host of the whole church sends greetings to you.

Erastus the mayor of the city greets you, and also Quartus, another broher in The Lord.

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

23 And now to him who has the power to establish you according to the message I bring about what Jesus has done for humanity, which came by the revelation of God to me in unveiling the hidden  plan of God which was kept secret since the world began

26 But now is being revealed trough the Scriptures just as God commanded it to be, so that it would be made known to all of mankind for them to respond and fully believe it.

27 To God who alone is full of wisdom, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.

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