Romans Chapter Thirteen

In this chapter Paul is following on from his encouragement in chapter 12 about the transformational way of life that we can live from a position of FREEDOM in the Holy Spirit and not under the code of LAW. It would seem that he marches right up into the face of the law itself when he gives directives to the Christians in Rome to make sure that they obey the law of the land. This is a bold but necessary challenge to a people who are now free to live an exemplary life if they choose to.

He explains that the governing authorities that administrate the laws of the land have been set in place by God and are part of God’s arrangement for peace and order to exist on this planet. He even calls the lawmakers and law enforcers ‘ministers of God’, and explains that our paying taxes is to pay their salaries as people in ‘full time ministry’.

Paul continues to bring exhortation to the church to live a life of truly loving one another in word and deed and gives a short but complete outline on the doctrinal concept of ‘boundaries’ when he says; ‘Don’t become wrongly bound by obligation to anyone. You do owe it to people to show them love, and that is the essential thing. Because if you truly love other people you won’t willingly commit offenses against them.’

As always Paul seats his arguments and directives on Christian living in the sphere of relationship and away from legalism as he finishes the chapter with this word;

‘ 14 But immerse yourself in the close companionship you now have with Jesus, and don’t pamper to the old bad habits by just indulging yourself’.

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1 Everyone should obey the governing authorities, because the ultimate authority behind them all is God, and they are all set in place by God to conform to his established order.

2 So whoever resists or opposes those authorities is resisting an arrangement that God has organized, and those that do that will pay the full consequences of so doing.

3 For those in positions of governing authority are not a threat to honest hard working people, but they are a threat to criminals. So isn’t it better then to respect the authorities and to go about your own business earnestly and they will show respect back to you.

4 For that person is actually a servant of God for your ultimate benefit. But if you do wrong in the eyes of the authorities then you had better watch out, because they don’t carry weapons just for show. They serve God as the administrators of his judgment to bring people to justice for their wrongdoings.

5 So it is necessary for you to comply with the authorities, not only to avoid punishment, but also to maintain a clear conscience.

6 This why we pay our taxes, because it pays their salary as God’s servants so that they can do this work in a full time capacity.

7 So give people in authority what is deserving of their office and position. That includes paying taxes, compliance with bylaws, serious consideration of their power, and respect toward their status,

8 Don’t become wrongly bound by obligation to anyone. You do owe it to people to show them love, and that is the essential thing. Because if you truly love other people you won’t willingly commit offences against them.

9 Because the Commandments which tell us ‘Don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t be covetous,’ and all the rest of the Commandments, are all summed up and fulfilled in saying ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

10 Love never does anything to hurt our neighbour, so love completely fulfils the Law.

11 So then now that we are more aware of the times in which we are living, we should stir ourselves out of any complacency because the end of the journey for which we were brought into this oneness with God gets closer each day, since it first started.

12 The night hours are getting on, and the morning is about to start, so let us leave behind the things of darkness and be armed and equipped for the things of light.

13 That means living an honest and upright life, out in the open, not living the fast and loose life of getting drunk and indulging in immorality, or in quarrelling and fighting over who owns what.

14 But immerse yourself in the close companionship you now have with Jesus, and don’t pamper to the old bad habits by just indulging yourself.

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